We Are Moving

We Are Moving

Big plans are underway here at Space Art by Christopher Doll. As I write this we have begun the process of selling our house here in the Pacific Northwest. We will be traveling across the country to Northern Michigan for a few months after the sale while we sort out where to land. The timetable isn’t entirely set but we anticipate leaving here in June 2023.

In preparation for the move, we are offering all Original Artwork and Prints in our store for 25% Off until the end of May 2023. Use coupon code VOYAGE in checkout to receive your discount. If there is anything you’d like from the store, we would appreciate all the help we can get while we go through this process.

During the move the online store will be closed until we can set up shipping operations at our new location. Keep an eye out for further updates.

Why the Move?

While Space Art by Christopher Doll has been growing as a business, it is still not sufficient to support us properly. We will be shedding a good deal of overhead which has held us back for the last few years. It’s a radical move but one that we felt was the best choice at this time. Given the current real estate conditions, we will likely be able to purchase a new home entirely at our new location. Right now we are location scouting for properties in Northern Michigan and Pennsylvania, but are open to just about anything. I am confident that with this change we will vastly improve our situation.

There are a few options we are considering for a new home, but at this time it’s hard to pinpoint exactly where that will be. It’s unlikely we will be returning to the Pacific Northwest permanently – at least not in the immediate future.

What About the Livestream?

The livestream will continue from here until the end of May when we have to pack the office. There may be a break in the schedule while we are on the road, but our destination has excellent internet service. I’ll be picking up the livestream from there once we settle in. I am also investigating options for running the livestream remotely, while we are on the road. At the very least, I’m planning updates through our YouTube Channel and we hope to have some fun with the journey.

About the Journey

The Bounder - a Motorhome
Our Fleetwood Bounder

After we pack up the house we will be driving back to Michigan in our old, trusty Fleetwood Bounder. It’s going to need some cleanup and a few fixes before the trip, but it’ll be our home away from home for a while. We’ve made this trip a couple of times, the last in 2015. With luck we will be able to stop at a few fun locations on the way, which will give us a chance to relax during a long trip and maybe get in some painting.

We’ve talked about taking the art business on the road for a while, and this will give us a chance to try it out before settling in. As usual, these plans should be considered tentative at best. It’s hard to say what will happen along the way. In our experience, road trips in the motorhome usually have a few surprises.

To be honest I am not entirely happy about leaving the Pacific Northwest. I love living here and we are leaving over 20 years of great memories in this house alone. However, I know that this move is going to open up doors that were otherwise closed to us.

Thank you all again for your support. Stay tuned for updates here and on social media. Let the Voyage begin!

6 comments on “We Are MovingAdd yours →

  1. Chris, I follow your Art..Looks like yer migration will sorta ,kinda head near my Neck-o- da Woods. here in the Midwest, land of the Great Lakes. Think about it…Best place in the World! Seriously! Ya can’t drink the Natural water in Dubai 😖. You know you won’t be far from the April 8,2024 Total Solar Eclipse. It’s an omen!

    1. Thank you, Michael. We are definitely looking forward to the 2024 Eclipse, and some good dark skies.

  2. My heart is sad but I wish you a trip with no hiccups or surprises. You will be sorely missed. ♥️

    1. Thank you so much. We are sad about it too. It’s very disruptive, and I look forward to being on the other side of it all.

  3. Hi Christopher; I lived in the Midwest for most of 20 years. My city was South Bend Indiana (home of the fighting Irish.) I was working as a jeweler and helped manage an antique shop on weekends. My fun time was creating art paintings. I was selling my art in restaurants and art shows and I was in an Art Gallery devoted to just my Art. My Art sales were continuous and almost predictable. I was in a few shows in Michigan as well. I moved in 1980 to northern California; to a fairly good size city. I thought I could just pick up where I left off in the Midwest. I put a number of my works in restaurants and in Art Shows. Sales in northern Cal. were almost none. My area is mostly recreational minded people, not Art buyers. I wish I had stayed where I was. I hope that you do well there.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story, Arthur. Art seems to be a tough gig all around. I am looking forward to firing up the studio as soon as we can after we settle in our new home. Fingers crossed!

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